Enneagram of Christlike Virtues
The Enneagram of Christlike Virtues is an alternative approach to applying the Enneagram as a tool for Christian spiritual formation. Most Enneagram books on the market today are built around a personality-types framework, sometimes called The Enneagram of Personality. In that paradigm, the nine numbers of the Enneagram represent nine distinct personality types, and there are rules for how the nine numbers interact with each other based on a particular symbol. In contrast, we are taking a virtues-based approach where the numbers represent nine Christlike qualities or virtues. So for example, Enneagram ONE, rather than representing “The Good Person” personality type, it represents the Christlike virtue of “grace-filled Righteousness.” The Enneagram of Christlike Virtues seeks to help us discern how the Holy Spirit might be at work to make us more like Christ through a transformational journey of deepening trust in God.