The Enneagram of Christlike Virtues

In light of our desire to use the Enneagram as a tool for Christian spiritual formation, we have developed an alternative framework to the Enneagram, The Enneagram of Christlike Virtues. Most Enneagram books and training programs on the market today are built around a personality-types framework, sometimes called The Enneagram of Personality. In that paradigm, the nine numbers of the Enneagram represent nine distinct personality types, and there are rules for how the nine numbers interact with each other based on a particular symbol. In contrast, we are taking a virtues-based approach, using nine biblical virtues of Christ as the basis for interpreting the Enneagram. So for example, Enneagram ONE, rather than representing “The Righteous Person” or “The Perfectionist” personality type, it represents the Christlike virtue of “Grace-filled Righteousness.” Enneagram TWO, rather than representing “The Loving Person” or “The Helper” personality, represents the Christlike virtue of “Humble Love.”

This approach goes much deeper than simply relabeling the nine points of the Enneagram diagram. In spiritual formation, we want to grow in all aspects of Christlikeness, and so all nine numbers are relevant and important to our growth. Where the Enneagram of Personality Types helps us focus on how to become a more redeemed version of our “type/number.” The Christ-Virtues Enneagram seeks to help us notice where the Holy Spirit might be at work to make us more like Christ, with all aspects of the Enneagram in play for each of us.

So is it really necessary to develop an alternative framework? First, we want to say that we are deeply grateful for the godly and wise teachers who introduced the Enneagram to us using the “Enneagram of Personality” paradigm. We have been tremendously helped by this body of spiritual wisdom, and have ourselves taught, consulted, and coached thousands of individuals, couples, and teams using that framework. We do not reject the Enneagram of Personality. In fact, the Enneagram of Christlike Virtues inherits and retains significant portions of the teachings and wisdom of the Enneagram of Personality. The personality typology will likely continue to be an extremely helpful tool for many individuals desiring to live more as their true selves. 

The Enneagram of Christlike Virtues addresses what we view as limitations and potential pitfalls with the personality-types approach to the Enneagram. One unfortunate byproduct of the personality-based approach is the widespread usage of overly simplistic identity statements like “I am a TWO” or “you are such a NINE” or “she is definitely a FIVE.” Statements like this have the potential to greatly limit people’s thinking about themselves and other people. They can also lead to false assumptions and judgments about oneself and others. It puts people in a box. We are not a single number or type. We bear the gifts, virtues, and vices of all nine numbers in varying degrees. Furthermore, we can and should expect our numbers to shift over the course of our spiritual journeys as we are transformed by the Spirit. We expect to become more like Jesus and we expect increasing freedom from our vices and besetting sins. The virtues-based Enneagram provides a framework to assess and reflect upon these changes in our lives. It helps us pay attention to how we are being transformed holistically across the spectrum of all nine numbers. 

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